Wednesday 15 July 2009

Non Believer

Sooooooo the whole song titles into how I'm feeling was to hard haha.

So I am just going to title them with whatever song I am listening to or whatever comes on at random when I start typing :)

Tonight's choice is a fairly decent song actually by La Rocca, I originally heard it in One Tree Hill haha and immediately had to get the album :)

So today has consisted of working the lunch shift and doing the odd jobs. Changing barrels, pulling through new kegs of ale so on. Doing the pub's banking. Funtimes. Then I immediately got home and showered and dashed off to the girl's house :D where we all played excessive amounts of WoW :P Whilst having breaks for Salmon, Potato wedges and Roasted Veg yummies!!!! Well almost all of us were civilised to stop playing WoW at the table :P

I am now at home just listening to few tunes before no doubt hitting the hay soon. With some Fast and Furious film on for some strange reason, I hate all of those films they just suck but I spose because I'm not your typical guy who loves fast cars and all that shizz.

But yesh I have levelled up to 11 in just 2 days which I feel is a pretty good achievement and I now have a trusty crabby companion called Chester, who fights my battles for me :P

The plan tomorrow! We are all finally seeing Harry Potter and the half blood prince :D I'm really hoping it will be alot better than the Order of The Phoenix. I just feel that film lacked alot of things that the book had. So hopefully they have done this film justice. And no doubt WoW will be incuded during parts of the day tomorrow as the film doesn't show until 9:15 .

So I am going to hit the hay and sign off. And to my only follower who I know probably one of the only people reading this :P I LOVE YOU MY GORGEOUS GIRL!!!!!!!!



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