Friday 24 July 2009

Hot N Cold

Another delay on the bloggage, apologies to whoever reads :P

Soooo what is new? My last update was Monday night. I spent Tuesday watching Numb3rs haha which I have now finished and completely sped through Series 4, which was rather awesome not going to lie but as with all shows it makes me want to see the next series. Numb3rs filled day was honestly the only thing worth mentioning about Tuesday haha other than that because I went to work the evening at 6 til C.

Wednesday was spent working the double shift which I hadn't actually worked in awhile so was afraid I wouldn't be able to cope but hey I managed :P Wasn't all that busy but the kitchen is in abit of a state right now with no stock or anything so that made it seem worse. It was the same really with Thursday nights shift really. So nothing new to add on the work basis.

And so I come to today :) Friday my day off finally arrived and was able to see my girl again. It had been long week ithout seeing her. We went to the cinema with the sister today to see the new Ryan Reynolds movie 'The Proposal' however before that we had lunch in Pret-A-Manger/ Starbucks. It was an expensive lunch. I got 2 Tuna and Cucumber baguettes and a Mozzerella bloomer from Pretz then a Raspberry muffin with White Chocolate glaze sort of thing going on it! Twas quite a nice feast must admit.

Then film then began well obviously we had trailers first which I have to admit were suprisingly all good. All of the films I actually wouldn't of minded seeing. Let's see it started with the new Adam Sandler movie 'Funny People' which looks quite alright. Although the presence of Seth Rogen I am unsure as to what good it would bring. Then I believe it was 'Adventureland' which is a cool movie starring Ryan Reynolds again! this time with Kristen Stewart and a few other randoms from Superbad :P as it's directed or something by the guys that did that. There was another film after that trailored but I can't remember what it was called but looked decent with the guy from 300 Gerard Butler I believe in it. LAstly 'The Time Travellers Wife' Which actually does looks pretty good although looks quite depressing in parts but I do love the song that is playing during that trailor :D.

The Proposal was awesome but predictable as most of those films always are :P I would go into it but wouldn't want to spoil the movie for anyone reading. But definately recommend seeing if your a fan of Ryan Reynolds!

We arrived back at Emily's where we chilled with numerous animal shows on TV, whilst I counted my tips from work. Had a lovely serving of Lasagne for dinner, followed by another :P Got to love Lasagne. After dinner me and Emily just chilled in bed watched some 8 out of 10 cats, whilst napping :) Picked up Rosie from Uxbridge as she had been out on the razzle dazzle.

And that leads me to here and now, in bed listening to abit of Simple Plan actually. Haven't heard anything by these guys in awhile so I figured I would go back and have a listen. However the song choice today is a catchy pop song by Katy Perry. Listen to it! YOU MUST!

Pretty much wishing the girl was here in bed with me *sigh* But I shall be seeing her again on Sunday night then all of Monday, Just have to get through what will most likely be a painful shift at work tomorrow night/afternoon.

Until then catch ya later, signing out for sleepytimes


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