Thursday 10 September 2009

Doris Day

Wow it's been awhile haha I was doing so well :( Sadtimes, but anyways I spose I will give a nice long blog entry to catch you up.

So I recall from my last entry that I was going to have a movie night at Emilehhhhhh's well to let you know we still have yet to watch any of those movies haha. So we're doing well :P In other news I am now 21 celebrated my birthday 25th August :) It was awesome! But we will get to that shortly

So as I recall not a hell of a lot happened at the start of August really :P nothing to exciting just work work work and seeing my sexy girlfriend :D Mwahhhhhhhhhhhh! I suppose August didn't really have much to blog about other than when my birthday come around. Well I say it didn't have much to blog about but it's more to do with the fact I can't actually remember what happened at the start of August haha.

So yeah 24th August come around and I met up with Nick and had a nice pub dinner with him Cod and Prawn fishcakes for the win, they were delicious! After said dinner we visited work, where a bunch of my friends from work were meeting up with us. It was an awesome night to just chill out with them since I don't really do that often :P They got a cool belt, a 21st Birthday Key and a card of course. I also got tickets to see All American Rejects in October from Nick and HMV vouchers from other friends :) It was a nice evening I finally broke my teetotal that night and had a drink. I drunk quite alot and was moderately suprised at how sober I was. Alcohol doesnt seem to be effecting me as much as it did when I were young. The evening ended with me and Nick doing a glass of Glenmorangie whiskey :)

My birthday come around and the day was spent with the family and I believe I just completed Wanted: Weapons of Fate during the day :P Excitement! I recieved numerous gifts from the parents including money, socks, boxers and 21st birthday shizz :) The evening was spent with Graham, Charlie, Aaron and of course my gorgeous girlfriend Emilehhhhhhhhh <3 We went to dine in the fine establishment that is of TGI's :D I had a burger competition with Aaron or A-Rod :P In which he was defeated with ease 14oz of burger eaten before he even finished 10oz :D Present giving arrived and Graham and Charlie got me a really cool star cluster ring which is uber, maybe I will figure out how to upload pictures to this thing to show how awesome it is. And Emily got me something completely unexpected, was rather suprised. She is paying for us to go to Rome, so that will be amazing! Just have to figure out when we want to go. Then the suprise from all of them was that they were taking me out to dine in a Gordan Ramsay restaurant the following night in South Kensington. Which again was awesome the food was amazing, the service was awesome and just the whole atmosphere inside the place.

After the birthday my parents got me a necklace from the same place I got my ring from G and C it reminds me of Final Fantasy 7 as it's sort of a one winged angel theme which is excellent!

Now the song title is by Jack's Mannequin, it's an unreleased song from The Glass Passenger meaning it never made it to the final cut of the album. I have no idea why as it is literally amazing! I have no idea why he decided to cut it, maybe it didn't fit with the whole idea of the album or something who knows.

I will blog again to catch up so this was really more of a part 1 of 2 :P Part 2 will follow soon I promise, It will feature our camping trip to Cornwall. I look forward to tellling you all about it :)

Untill the next entry


Saturday 25 July 2009

Twenty Years

Tonight's choice is a awesome slow song by Augustana, I recommend it. I figured it actually sort of went well with my blog since the countdown for my last month as a Twenteen year old is on!

So today was spent sleeping in and watching Numb3rs in bed until I left to start work at 3:30- C It went pretty quickly so you can't really complain and I got more tips which is all good. Been saving every tip I have gotten since October so can't be bad. It was a fairly easy shift given that I was on the bar with my good friend Nick (Bruce) as he is known to most at the bar. Whereas I am known as Mr. T or Scotty T or Scotty Turbo or Dude :P A man of many names I am!

I am now back at home thinking about the girl, and wondering where she is! I believe she is currently recording her vocals for her acoustic band The Rain Dogs. I however am listening to Augustana and now Taking Back Sunday. There new album is actually filled with some catchy stuff since Fred Mascherino left the band. After this I will probably be watching some more Numb3rs! I am addicted to the show end of....

Tomorrow I am working 3:30-7:30 then over at Emilehhhhhh's house for dinner and WoW and movie night. Movies to be watched possibly being Blood Diamond, Shawshank Redemption, Forest Gump, Eagle Eye, Body Of Lies orrrrrrr How To Lose Friends And Alienate People. So plenty of choice as there always is with me when it comes to films. I do have a quite an epic collection :D

However back to watching some Numb3rs me thinks but I shall holla at you all soon


Friday 24 July 2009

Hot N Cold

Another delay on the bloggage, apologies to whoever reads :P

Soooo what is new? My last update was Monday night. I spent Tuesday watching Numb3rs haha which I have now finished and completely sped through Series 4, which was rather awesome not going to lie but as with all shows it makes me want to see the next series. Numb3rs filled day was honestly the only thing worth mentioning about Tuesday haha other than that because I went to work the evening at 6 til C.

Wednesday was spent working the double shift which I hadn't actually worked in awhile so was afraid I wouldn't be able to cope but hey I managed :P Wasn't all that busy but the kitchen is in abit of a state right now with no stock or anything so that made it seem worse. It was the same really with Thursday nights shift really. So nothing new to add on the work basis.

And so I come to today :) Friday my day off finally arrived and was able to see my girl again. It had been long week ithout seeing her. We went to the cinema with the sister today to see the new Ryan Reynolds movie 'The Proposal' however before that we had lunch in Pret-A-Manger/ Starbucks. It was an expensive lunch. I got 2 Tuna and Cucumber baguettes and a Mozzerella bloomer from Pretz then a Raspberry muffin with White Chocolate glaze sort of thing going on it! Twas quite a nice feast must admit.

Then film then began well obviously we had trailers first which I have to admit were suprisingly all good. All of the films I actually wouldn't of minded seeing. Let's see it started with the new Adam Sandler movie 'Funny People' which looks quite alright. Although the presence of Seth Rogen I am unsure as to what good it would bring. Then I believe it was 'Adventureland' which is a cool movie starring Ryan Reynolds again! this time with Kristen Stewart and a few other randoms from Superbad :P as it's directed or something by the guys that did that. There was another film after that trailored but I can't remember what it was called but looked decent with the guy from 300 Gerard Butler I believe in it. LAstly 'The Time Travellers Wife' Which actually does looks pretty good although looks quite depressing in parts but I do love the song that is playing during that trailor :D.

The Proposal was awesome but predictable as most of those films always are :P I would go into it but wouldn't want to spoil the movie for anyone reading. But definately recommend seeing if your a fan of Ryan Reynolds!

We arrived back at Emily's where we chilled with numerous animal shows on TV, whilst I counted my tips from work. Had a lovely serving of Lasagne for dinner, followed by another :P Got to love Lasagne. After dinner me and Emily just chilled in bed watched some 8 out of 10 cats, whilst napping :) Picked up Rosie from Uxbridge as she had been out on the razzle dazzle.

And that leads me to here and now, in bed listening to abit of Simple Plan actually. Haven't heard anything by these guys in awhile so I figured I would go back and have a listen. However the song choice today is a catchy pop song by Katy Perry. Listen to it! YOU MUST!

Pretty much wishing the girl was here in bed with me *sigh* But I shall be seeing her again on Sunday night then all of Monday, Just have to get through what will most likely be a painful shift at work tomorrow night/afternoon.

Until then catch ya later, signing out for sleepytimes


Monday 20 July 2009

Inní mér syngur vitleysingur ( Within Me A Lunatic Sings)

So tonight's song is one that I'm afraid to say I actually don't own on my Itunes, So I have been reduced to youtubing to listen to this one. It's by Sigur Ros a Orchestral/ I don't honestly know what genre to put them under so I will look at what they describe themselves as on their myspace......*checks myspace* Okay they describe themselves as visual? Visual apparently eh? Well either way they are bloody awesome at what they do. They are from Iceland hence the title but most of their songs they do give you the translation :)

It reminded me of when me, Emily and Rosie saw them live last year I think November time If I'm not mistaken. They were just so good, I just wish I had heard alot more by them when I saw them because I think I would of appreciated the songs they did play more than what I did at the time. Like every song I was just hoping to be Samskeyti (another great song by them, whoever is actually reading this I demand thee to listen to that song now!) But yeah they were just amazing live, still no Jack's Mannequin but who is?

So today as I said was spent just chilling, woke up and showered. Left the house to pick up the girl and her sister for TGI's lunchtime. Which was quite literally filling. I started with a garlic bread with cheese topping, followed briefly by a double stacked ultimate Jack Daniels Monterray Jack Cheese and Bacon burger (with Onion rings in). Then as if that wasn't enough, I then indulged in the lovely Chocolate fudge cake they have there. Which my god is amazing! After this we went to Uxbridge after finally deciding we were al going to purchase World of Warcraft after a much used trial run! But to our dismay we found out that installing takes at least a day with patches and all that which was a bummer. So most of the evening was spent bumming round with Guitars and Macbooks! With abit of Dave TV on the side. Mock The Week and QI for the win. Although I really don't find QI funny, whether it's because I'm not smart enough to get the jokes on it who knows!

Now however I am currently lying in bed watching my WoW installing! And waiting for the new Mock The Week episode to load up fully so I can watch that and hit the hay! Funtimes!

However I see nothing else to really update you on and typing whilst in the position I am currently lying in is killing my neck so yeah signing off! OH wait actually I did forget to mention my new purchases!

I decided to gain more points on my HMV card today by purchasing the WoW game as I said earlier with Body Of Lies, How To Lose Friends And Alienate People, Eagle Eye anddddddd the best of all Numb3rs season 4. Yeah baby!!! I think vast amounts of the day tomorrow will be used watching at least the first disc of that!

Now I am actually out of things to add and fearing for a neck injury.


Sunday 19 July 2009

Sing When Your In Love

Tonight's number is by The Enemy. I actually surprisingly like this band a lot. It does annoy me how chavy they sound though. They also look completely chavy aswell! But nevertheless this song is actually rather catchy and pretty awesome :D

So work today was pretty slow, the whole day was rather slow really. Woke up at 1 haha played WoW and then watched all the latest episodes of The Big Bang Theory. I can't wait for the new series of that. I want it be on now though *sadtimes*. Saying that I will now have to just check when the new episodes are starting. 21st September not far off I spose but long enough :( It is all about Howard Wolowitcz and his perverse ways!

I am just this minute ordering mine and Emily tickets to see Hey Monday! In September which shall be awesome as we are already seeing Jack's Mannequin that month too! It will be bloody good month for gigs. That and I havent been to a gig for awhile now. Not since Jack's Mannequin in March actually which is pretty crazy! I have yet to take those 2 Jack's wristbands off since that night :D They were by far the best live act I have seen and probably will ever see!

So tomorrows plan consist of vast quantity of food to be eaten at TGI Friday's. FOR THE WIN! The girl and her sister shall be accompanying me haha I don't just make a habit of going to TGI's on my own to stuff my face, but will be awesome as the food is soooooooo good! Then I am pretty sure that after that we shall get in and no doubt play some WoW maybe break for films who knows!

But either way, I am unsure as to what else I can add here so I shall go to bed with Big Bang Theory again! Until the next entry.


Saturday 18 July 2009

A Walk Through Hell

Hey hey sorry for the delay of the bloggage

So today's song is by Say Anything and it's a brilliant song I might add. Even better live as most music always is. And also what makes it special to me is that it's mine and Emily's Say Anything song :D As she was with me when we saw them live at KCLSU. Mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is where Loveage to the Max Bemis come from :P

So I have seen the new Harry Potter movie and it was awesome, few things cut from it but that's to be expected from any book to film. It was just so much better than the last film, longer and more I don't know what the word is just had a lot more to it than the last one did.

I have a full blown WoW addiction now haha so since let's say Wednesday? OR Tuesday? Either way I am now at Level 19 :P So needless to say I'm probably going to buy the game when my trial expires haha. It's just so good, so much to bloody explore and do. And knowing you can get upto Level 80 and there would still be quests and shit is pretty awesome. Not many games do that where you get to max level and actually have stuff left to do :P

Other than WoWage with my girlfriend I have mainly been catching up with The Big Bang Theory, well more rewatching than catching up :P. Working again tomorrow night then have Monday off to spend with girl :D Should be going TGI's again which will be awesome. Then WoW at hers and just chill out and kick back. We are both pretty much obsessed with WoWing now haha It's rather awesome to have girlfriend that actually likes playing games as much as I do :D I love her soooooooooooo much. MORE.

However I am currently loading up streams for Big Bang Theory to watch in bed so I shall leave it at that. Expect an update soon :)

Signing off


Wednesday 15 July 2009

Non Believer

Sooooooo the whole song titles into how I'm feeling was to hard haha.

So I am just going to title them with whatever song I am listening to or whatever comes on at random when I start typing :)

Tonight's choice is a fairly decent song actually by La Rocca, I originally heard it in One Tree Hill haha and immediately had to get the album :)

So today has consisted of working the lunch shift and doing the odd jobs. Changing barrels, pulling through new kegs of ale so on. Doing the pub's banking. Funtimes. Then I immediately got home and showered and dashed off to the girl's house :D where we all played excessive amounts of WoW :P Whilst having breaks for Salmon, Potato wedges and Roasted Veg yummies!!!! Well almost all of us were civilised to stop playing WoW at the table :P

I am now at home just listening to few tunes before no doubt hitting the hay soon. With some Fast and Furious film on for some strange reason, I hate all of those films they just suck but I spose because I'm not your typical guy who loves fast cars and all that shizz.

But yesh I have levelled up to 11 in just 2 days which I feel is a pretty good achievement and I now have a trusty crabby companion called Chester, who fights my battles for me :P

The plan tomorrow! We are all finally seeing Harry Potter and the half blood prince :D I'm really hoping it will be alot better than the Order of The Phoenix. I just feel that film lacked alot of things that the book had. So hopefully they have done this film justice. And no doubt WoW will be incuded during parts of the day tomorrow as the film doesn't show until 9:15 .

So I am going to hit the hay and sign off. And to my only follower who I know probably one of the only people reading this :P I LOVE YOU MY GORGEOUS GIRL!!!!!!!!



Tuesday 14 July 2009

Flowers Blooming In The Church

Song title you may ask?

It is a piece from Nobou Uematsu from Final Fantasy VII.

The music from any Final Fantasy game if it's by him is just amazing. I can hear anything from this and just instantly remember the first time I heard it. Nerdy of me to actually listen to Final Fantasy soundtracks without playing the game but hey it's good music :D

So Monday was pretty uneventful, However I did get around to watching Transporter 3 and Jason Statham impresses again. I believe he would be my ideal choice as backup in a bar fight. So yeah after the film I pretty much just got ready for work.

Work come around and again was pretty uneventful, I did table service which I hadn't done for awhile earned myself around £13 in tips so split that between for people roughly £3 each so abit shit but hey every little saved up counts. OH god I sound like a Tesco advertisement.

Oh and just as I'm writing this killer song just come on :D Santana feat Michelle Branch- The Game Of Love. Santana is just amazing :D

So today I have just woken up and working on a quick playlist to listen to while showering, then I shall get dressed and head over to the girl's house :) That's if she's ready for 1pm haha :D And we shall watch films and play games. Maybe finally get her to watch Matrix (which I can't believe she has never seen!) And her sister to watch Shawshank Redemption ( which again is pretty unbelievable I thought everyone had seen Shawshanke Redemption!)

I shall be signing off, maybe get an update in later on tonight? Who knows! Until then.


Sunday 12 July 2009

Brighter Than Sunshine

So....the start of yet another blog eh?

I've decided with this one. I am going to try and like find my mood at the current time with song titles for blog names such and such.

Therefore for the first blog I feel Aqualung- Brighter Than Sunshine is a perfect choice. To me it's a fairly happy song describing that with great love beside you it's genuinely an amazing feeling. Haha so I'm not great with words. But I am completely in love with my girlfriend. :D

So yes the summer has begun and I am surprisingly not working as much as I thought I would be but then again still a lot of summer left and a lot of time for me to get raped with shifts. But who cares, I have my holiday booked in and have a nice week and half off work over my birthday weekend :)

So plans, plans, plans. This week I am working tomorrow evening sadly but I believe on Tuesday shall be spending the day with the girl :D. Then Wednesday I shall be working and going to see the new HP movie!!!!! Awesome times. I am hoping it is going to be better than what last one was. Thursday and Friday are currently empty of plans but I'm sure I shall fill them up quickly :)

Oh yes, I am a vegetarian now well sort of. In the way that I don't eat meat unless I am in a restaurant merely because restaurants veggie specials genuinely suck :P And I love TGI's burgers too much :D

I am also on a path of sobriety, not that I really needed one anyway but hell. I realized I don't actually really enjoy drinking at all that much. So figured it made sense. I am a month sober now actually. It has gone rather quickly. Wooooo proudtimes!

But nonetheless I don't believe I have anything of real interest left to say.

Oh yes I spose I should explain the whole title of the blog haha. The dumbapplesandhorizons part is because my favourite quote from Final Fantasy is in Crisis Core with these dumbapples and my favourite music piece from any Final Fantasy has to be Fisherman's Horizon. Why combine them you ask? Well because apparently alot of people play Final Fantasy and care to name their blogs after said things. There are apparently alot of cool people just like me in this world.....

Signing off
